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Can drunk driving be prevented?

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2019 | Drunk Driving Defense |

Drunk drivers in Illinois face a variety of legal punishments, from loss of license to fines to jail time. More importantly, drunk driving can also cause devastating injuries to you and other drivers, which is why it’s such a risky proposition. With the holiday season fast approaching, State Farm offers the following tips on how you can mitigate this risk.

When going out as a group, one member of your party should designate him or herself as the sober driver. This does not mean the person can have one or two drinks, which can still put someone over the legal limit and cause intoxication. Additionally, the designated driver should be chosen before you head out for the night. If you go out on your own, stick with non-alcoholic drinks.

You can also look for alternate methods of transportation. This includes public transportation, ride shares, or taxi cabs. If you’re going to another person’s house and plan on drinking, ask if you can stay over. If you’re with a person who’s been drinking, don’t get in their vehicle. Additionally, try to get the person’s keys before they can get behind the wheel.

You can also take steps to identify others who appear to be drunk driving on the road. In this case, pull over in a safe spot and provide the police with as much information you have. Look for abrupt turns, swerving, weaving in and out of lanes erratically, driving too slowly, stopping for no reason, and driving on the wrong side of the road. If you believe someone is drunk driving keep your distance and never attempt to stop the vehicle yourself.
