Aggravated battery is a serious crime. It involves the unauthorized physical contact with another person that results in great bodily harm.
If you are dealing with aggravated battery charges, it is vital to know the legal process. What are the key ways to boost a defense? In addition, how can you protect your rights during the criminal defense process?
Challenge the identification of the suspect
First, you can challenge the prosecution’s evidence on identification. You can highlight weaknesses in the eyewitness testimony or surveillance footage. Also, introducing alternative suspects or alibis can raise doubt about your involvement.
Expose flaws in the investigation
You can also try to uncover any flaws in the investigation by challenging how the prosecution gathered and preserved evidence. This can raise doubts about the integrity of the evidence. You can also look for errors in police procedures and bring up that there are missing or incomplete records.
Dispute the severity of the injuries
Additionally, you can present medical expert testimony to contradict the evidence on the severity of the injuries. If the injuries of the alleged victim are not severe enough, you may be able to reduce the charges. Additionally, if the injuries did not cause permanent or severe disability or disfigurement, this may support a reduced charge.
Assert self-defense or defense of others
Further, you can use self-defense or defense of others in certain situations. You can present proof that you believed the alleged victim threatened or attacked you or others, and that your actions were reasonable and necessary to prevent imminent harm.
Fighting for your rights as a defendant
When facing aggravated battery charges, it is crucial to have a solid defense. However, boosting your defense strategy can be challenging and daunting. With legal counsel, you may receive guidance and support for fighting for your rights as a defendant.