You have probably seen situations involving minor traffic stops that quickly escalate, resulting in an arrest and criminal charges. Many times, this happens because the police find something illegal in the person’s vehicle. When you are pulled over, the police may ask...
Criminal Defense
Possessing a controlled substance without a valid prescription
Many prescription drugs are controlled substances. As such, possessing them without a valid prescription is a criminal offense. Depending on the drug involved, you may even be charged with a felony offense that carries the potential for severe penalties, including...
What to expect when facing firearms and ammunition charges
Illinois law enforcement and prosecutors take weapons laws seriously and those who are charged with firearms or ammunition violations could face severe penalties if they are convicted. State law regarding possession of firearms or firearm ammunition dictates who can...
What you need to know about the Illinois ‘Castle Doctrine’
Allegations of any criminal wrongdoing can threaten your freedom and your future. Accusations pertaining to violent crimes, though, can be especially threatening. And all too often, individuals who were acting within their rights at the time of the alleged offense are...
Do police officers need a warrant to search your vehicle for drugs?
Under the U.S. Constitution, law enforcement officers are generally not allowed to conduct an illegal search and seizure of any area where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy without a warrant. However, under the automobile exception, there are several ways...
Four powerful ways to defend against DUI charges
A DUI conviction can derail life as you know it. It can lead to jail or prison time, hefty fines, license suspension or revocation, loss of employment, and damage to your reputation and career. Thinking about all of that can be stressful, for sure, but you shouldn’t...
Why you shouldn’t talk to the police during an investigation
If you’re under investigation for committing a violent crime, then your freedom and your future is on the line. The pressure of this reality can be crushing, and it might drive you to act in a way that seems beneficial but actually turns out to be harmful to your...
What’s the difference between robbery and burglary?
Illinois residents who are facing a violent crime charge have plenty to worry about, from perceptions by others that they are dangerous to the potential sentence that could come with a conviction – likely to include years behind bars. In order to defend yourself...
How do police test for cannabis intoxication?
The recreational use of cannabis has been legal in Illinois since January 1, 2020, but that doesn't mean our state has worked out all the details. Lawmakers, law enforcement and the public are still figuring out how to deal with the issue of drugged driving. According...
Know the possible consequences of underage DUI
Being accused of driving under the influence in Illinois can be problematic in many ways regardless of the person’s age. However, the allegations can be more challenging for those who are under 21. With the holiday season approaching and people attending parties,...